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Paragliding Information:

Ojovolador.com. Portal dedicated to bring information and the latest news from / for the Paragliding and PPG world. The site has a wide collection of articles about free-flight, and cool designs done for this sport (posters, covers, t-shirts, etc). The authors also offer their professional services in communication / design / paragliding.
All About Paragliding. The purpose of this web site is to provide you with all the information you need to know about the rapidly growing sport of paragliding as well as continue learning to make your experience more enjoyable.
Sky Nomad. Paragliding in Bulgaria... Here you'll enjoy one of the best sites for mountain and flatland cross-country flying in Europe.
BHPA Links. British Paragliding Association.
Condor Paragliding Adventure. Paragliding hollidays in Argentina.

Paragliding Schools and Instruction:

Torrey Pines Gliderport. Torrey Pines Gliderport provides instruction, certification, tandem flights, quality equipment sales, adventure tours, repair services, year round flying paragliding, hang gliding, and remote control gliders. From the first days training to master pilot and instructor certification, Torrey Pines can support all of your flying needs.
San Francisco Tandem Paragliding... offers Instruction, Tours, and Tandem Flight Lessons. Tandem Paragliding is flying in a Paraglider built for two people. The pilot and passenger fly front and back, with the pilot in the rear. Tandem flights are a great way to experience the thrill of flying in a Paraglider.
Extreme Air... Paragliding school in Queenstown - New Zealand.


Dominican Republic Info:

DR1.com Dominican Republic News & Travel Information Service.
DominicanRepublic.com The official internet portal of the Dominican Republic. General info, News, Chat, Booking Engines.
Orrin's Caribbean Index. A few links about Caribbean countries and the D.R.
CaribSeek. Caribbean search portal with information about caribbean hotels and resorts, arts, business, diving, entertainment, caribbean events, finance, real estate, regattas, recipes, shopping, sports, tourism, travel and watersports.
Dominican Republic Index. Information & Activities in the DR

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